
Friday 30 September 2011




I am reading through Hebrews at the moment and am quickly discovering that it is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Last night I read this;
"Therefore, angels are only 
servants—spirits sent to care
for people who will inherit salvation."
~Hebrews 1:14 
   How amazing is that??  We have angels watching over us, sent with the special order from God himself.  I can picture God (well not really but just bear with me) pointing me out to an army of angels saying:  
"You see that one, the one with the freckles and blonde curly hair?  Yes that one.  She is my daughter, my heiress and I wish with all my might that I could make her way without worries, but I can't, as she still lives down there.  But I send you, my strongest, most elite servants to care for her.  She is so precious to me, keep her safe and alive until her day comes."

I have my Daddy's bodyguards watching my every move.  And occasionally I see this.  Let me tell you a true story that happened when I was with a family friend one day... (cue far away music)

I was driving with a friend, I can't even remember what we were doing but we were chatting along having a fine old time.  I was about nine, and she was in her 30's.  We were driving through a green light when the breaks were pressed suddenly and a car goes zooming through the red light, coming on my side, missing us by inches.  My friend is shaken but with a strange expression on her face she turns to me and tells me that her foot wasn't on the break.  We had stopped when she had still been accelerating. 

My heart warms when I remember that story because I can imagine a strong angel foot pressing down on that break, with my Daddy's commands ringing in his ears.  It reminds me that my Father watches over me and he knows exactly when my time is near.  There is no reason for me to fear death for I can not die a minute before or a minute after God say's: 'That's it!'  And then I will be with my Father.

Let me tell you another story.  This is one when I was 6 months old.  I am dying.  The doctors are baffled to know what is wrong with me and my parents have practically been living at the hospital.  I am so sick that I can only move my eyes.  My pancreas has failed and I have no immunity.  My parents have just given me up to God, accepting that he could take me whenever he wants.  But God had other plans.  A woman who had had some contact with my parents called them one morning telling them that she had seen a vision concerning me.  I was lying in my cot and she saw God's hand touch me, she knew that I was going to get better.  When they saw me next I was a lot better and the doctors couldn't explain it.  The doctors now know that I had neutropenia.  I am now 16 and have no ongoing health problems.  And it was all because my time hadn't come.  

It is so reassuring to think that I have a purpose here on earth, a purpose to fulfill, one that God kept me alive to do.
