
Thursday 9 June 2011

On the road to Emmaus

Luke 24:13-35

If you would my dear friends turn you holy books to this passage.  This is the passage where Jesus appears three days after his death to the two men on the road to Emmaus.  We (my cell group and I) had a communion based around this.  The questions asked to us were these:

Who blinded the men's eyes? 


The conclusion that I arrived to was that it was indeed God who blinded the eyes of the men.  


Okay picture this; it's 3 days after the man you followed and loved was killed on a cross.  You are grieving the loss of a close friend but also grieving for the future of Israel.  They thought that Jesus was the Messiah, but he died, which in their minds made his claims false.  Basically their entire worlds had crumbled and now they are wondering what on earth is going on.  Added to that were curious claims from some women that Jesus has risen.  Now picture this:  Jesus, the man you thought was dead, walks up to you.  What are you going to do?  If it were me I would jumping and leaping and doubting my sanity all in one joyous moment.  Do you think that Jesus would've been able to explain to them how he fulfilled the prophecies about himself?  Do you think the men would of cared at that moment?  Ummm..... no.  The Lord blinded their eyes to Jesus to reveal them more about himself, about the intricacies of his plans for his people, and most of all... his love for us.  

This makes me think.  Does God do this for me?  Does he blind my eyes to things, whether it be in the bible or whether it be in life?  Would I really appreciate his comfort if I could see how he was all around me?  Could I really experience the joy of nature if it wasn't first hidden from me?  What a precious thought; God planning our journeys so that along the way we discover more and more of the present that he has given us.  It's like when I was little.  My mum would leave stuff on my pillow every now and then, just to show me a little of her great love.  A CD, a favorite chocolate, a little note of encouragement, all little symbols of my mum's love.  Doesn't it make you want to stride stronger and harder towards that eternal prize?  It does for me, and I pray that I will do this my entire life.  

So next time you feel like you can't see God, look for the opportunity to see his blessing that he has hidden for you.
Blessings. :)

P.S  That incredible photo up above was taken by my amazing sister Christy.  Please don't take it without permission. :) 

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