
Wednesday 13 April 2016

An interrupted life...

I want to live an interrupted life.
Where my planned and structured days are turned on their head by an invitation to live more fully.
Where joy slips in uninvited and messes around with times and hearts until what is left is a riotous mass of unexpected delight.

I want sunlight to interrupt my house bound day with come hither glances that draws me out onto the grass to skip and frolic as if I'll be young forever.
I want music to halt me in my tracks and compel me to dance or hold me secure in tears.
I want the tug of a child's hand or the lilt of a child's voice to pull me from sense of duty to imagine , to laugh, to dream.

I want work to interrupt my play rather than the inverse, where work is merely time spent on one favourite thing, and play a way of life.
I want flowers to intrude abruptly upon my purposeful stride, an invitation to focus on the journey rather than the destination.
For faces to become a daily miracle, a surprise reserved for the blessed, a smile to be a quick awakening from a soul fallen asleep.

I want Jesus to surprise me.
For his thoughts to interrupt my own.
To see him in a truer light, to see things before unknown.
I want to be astonished by the fingerprints of God that are scattered all over my life.
I want my life to punctuated by exclamation points of grace, by shouts of unexpected mercy.
I want to live a life reeking of true humanity until the smell shocks me and the world out of the lingering stupor we often find ourselves.

I want to live.

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