
Friday 27 January 2012

I Fear...


I have very rarely felt the terrifying feeling that we mostly associate with fear. The fear of hanging from Mt Everest from your little finger terror is something I (thank heavens) have never experienced.  But I experience fear everyday, and it is even more irrational then my fear of cockroaches.  

'What if I don't look alright?' 

'What if I say or do something stupid.' 

'What if I fail?'  

It all whispers all the time.  These sort of thoughts wouldn't be that bad if that is all they remained... thoughts.  But these thoughts start to dictate to my actions.  I won't attempt that because I'll look stupid.  I restrain from showing my true character because I'll be seen as a dork.  I'll cover my insecurities because I don't want to be seen as some weak insipid little girl.  Fear keeps me from being who the Lord created me to be.  How often do I run out in the rain and make up some crazy dance when the impulse comes upon me? How often do I tell someone exactly what I think and not what I think they want to hear?  When do I sing while walking in the park?  How often do I let myself cry, not because there is something specifically wrong, but just because I feel like it?  How often do I pour my heart out to someone with what is really troubling me?  Fear keeps me in restraints.  I often examine myself and want to break out of my conservative world, to really show people who I am, so why don't I?  Fear. 

This is what our Lord has to say about my fear... 

'For God gave us (a.k.a Erin) a spirit not of fear 
but of power and love and self-control.'

2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

How awesome is that.  Not  a spirit of fear but one of power.  I do not need to be afraid of anything of this world for I have a spirit of POWER and love and self control.  Let my potential to serve Christ not be hindered by my spirit of fear.  

God bless friends!! 


  1. Oh I need to remember this so much! When we are doing everything for the glory of God we should not fear for HE is our Father! Our power comes through Him. How comforting. :)

    I just found your blog through Wayfaring Girl, I can't wait to read more!

  2. Sometimes it's easy to let fear be an excuse for not completing something or testing our strength. We tend to use it as a crutch and not push ourselves so we can grow further. I myself gotta stop with the excuses! Thanks for sharing :)
