
Sunday 27 November 2011

Monday 21 November 2011

Holidays... at last!!

Well I am finally free!  It is the most indescribable feeling after three weeks of intense study.  Praise God that I am done. In my study I found this very talented girl, and fell in love with this song.  How cute is it???

I have had the most marvelous day, drawing and listening to audio books, about to start an oil painting (never done oils before so this should be interesting), and taking photos with my older sister.  Only downside of the photos is me getting bitten by a green ant (sad face).  Hopefully I'll be able to nick a few from my sister and post them. (fingers crossed).

'The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.'
~ 1 Peter 1:9 (NLT)

I found this verse last night during my devotions and it was one of those precious verses that you find. Such an amazing promise.  I can fully claim that I trust my Lord with my salvation, and he has graciously given it to me. 

Stay in the Lord!!

Friday 11 November 2011

It's been forever but only another week!

Hello!  No I have not died or been abducted or really anything.  I have been SUPER busy the last two weeks studying for a 60% biology exam.  Yuck!  But that was yesterday and now I'm studying for two other exams.  Talk about oodles of fun, I bet you wish you me right now.

Well in my many attempts to distract myself I found this groovy song by Brooke Fraser.  Absolutely love it, in fact before my exam yesterday used uni wireless to buy it!

Enjoy and I will have a longer post soon.  I promise.

(Is it just me or does walking around a garden like that completely rock?!!)